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the light in darkness


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Who is Krishna?

Krishna is the 8th incarnation of Vishnu. He was an embodiment of divine force from the time of his very birth. He is the original spiritual teacher and essentially a spiritual entity, and it was our fortune to see him in human form. Even in the human form he controls all realms this makes  Krishna a ‘supreme personality’.

Krishna is the original primeval Lord, the source of all other expansions. He is eternally present in all living beings as the Supersoul, or soul of our soul. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all, yet he has no origin. He alone is the cause of all causes.

Krishna is source of pleasure for which we are always longing. He is the origin from which everything else is manifest. He is the unlimited source of all power, wealth, fame, beauty, wisdom, and renunion. Thus, no one is greater than Him or equal to Him because Krishna is the source of all living beings.

Why ‘Krishna: the light from darkness’
audio meditation program?

As you know Krishna was born in darkness i.e. dark fortnight. Recognised as Svayum Bhagavan Krishna saved us from the forces of darkness and took us to light. The name Krishna means ‘all-attractive’ and God of Love, Knowledge, and Beauty.

Krishna says. “there is no need to worry I will make sure this world is safe and protected from all dangers that there are. No one will be able to destroy it under my watch. After all, that’s what I was born to do?”

‘Krishna: The Light From Darkness’ is one such audio meditation program prefect for you:

• If you are not into spirituality, this audio meditation program will make an outstanding management leader because Krishna is a great management leader, in this program you will know to – share your knowledge and learnings; stick to your goals; use strategic approach for solving problems; become outstanding orator; and above all being grounded irrespective of designation; which ultimately gives you power, wealth, and wisdom.

• If you are a spiritual being, this audio meditation program will get you united with Krishna that you are longing for and call Krishna for any kind of healings, manifestation, protection, enhancing spiritual knowledge, solve relationship issues, and become a whole person.

Here is what you will get from:

• Krishna Introduce You To Your Soul

• Krishna Pap Aur Karma Bandhan Se Mukti Denewala

• Know The Unravelled Secrets Of Krishna

• Krishna Gyan Ka Karak

• Krishna And Sthitpragyata

• Antakaran Kee Vrti Shaant Karane Vaala Krshna

• Know Krishna Know Everything

• Krishna Darshan

Plus you get this ‘amazing bonus’
worth ₹2,999.00 FREE!

Krishna can be called to assist in many different kinds of healing. Krishna’s presence can heal any emotional trauma, physical pain, mental pain, from this life or previous life. This will help let go of hurtful memories, improving self-esteem and self-love.

Since Krishna is playful and loving, this type of healing can be very efficient. Here is how these tracks are designed:

Track – 1: Hari Bol

Track – 2: Jai Jai Radha Hari Bol

Track – 3: Krishna

Track – 4: Manifestation Process

Track – 5: Merging With Krishna

Track – 6: Raasleela

Track – 7: Radha

Track – 8: Radhe Krishna Unification Mediation

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audio meditation program…

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