7 Chakra balancing yantra bracelet


Most Powerful Chakra Yantra To Heal Your 7 Chakras 100% aligned Chakras makes you capable of doing things you “only” imagined before. Chakra Yantra attracts Luck, Power, Wealth and Joy in life. Chakras are the 7 energy cores located from your spine to head. Balanced Chakras awakens all your senses, makes your mind more powerful, makes you capable to understand smallest of emotions in any living being. The Chakra Yantra transcends cosmic energy waves into your body at the same frequency as that of your 7 individual Chakras & heal you internally.


Ancient Yantra Bracelets 
Most Powerful Chakra Yantra To Heal Your 7 Chakras 100% aligned Chakras makes you capable of doing things you “only” imagined before. Chakra Yantra attracts Luck, Power, Wealth and Joy in life. Chakras are the 7 energy cores located from your spine to head. Balanced Chakras awakens all your senses, makes your mind more powerful, makes you capable to understand smallest of emotions in any living being. The Chakra Yantra transcends cosmic energy waves into your body at the same frequency as that of your 7 individual Chakras & heal you internally.
Start to feel the effects within 4-10 days
Lava Stone Blocks are Lab Tested
Chakra Yantra is tested on Human Body for effects
7 Energy Stones combined with 12 Rare lava & Ra Hexagons
Sacred Chakra Yantra balances your body’s 7 Chakras
#ShreeVidhyaRa #Astro #Numero #Vastu #Gem Expert #Mystic #Healer

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